Sunday, July 24, 2005


I am still thanking God today I am so grateful to him, Kurt was in an accident yesterday a woman ran a red light and broadsided him, the car tipped over and it was loaded with boxes and ect as he is moving into his new house, they had to take everything out and remove him from the back of car, he is a bit bruised and the car is totaled BUT he is fine, no big injuries, just a few bruises he says very sore this morning but otherwise o.k. It scares me when I think of how bad it could have been, so that is why I am so grateful today, he is alive and o.k.

We should all be grateful every day, not just when something happens that could have taken a life, I am such a worry wart about my kids anyway so it is good to get good news........later


Candace said...

Good heavens, Creta! I'm so glad Kurt's okay! Thank God. You must have been so scared -- Kurt, too! I guess they told him he'll be really sore for a while, huh? I'm sending some good thoughts his way, dear heart.

Candace said...

Hey Creta -- how about giving us a bloglet. I keep coming over here and nothing's new. You gotta be up to something that's blogworthy; I'm sure of it!