Friday, December 03, 2004


I am not even sure that is the way it is spelled, all I know is when I woke up this morning, the whole world is covered in it. "It" is a snow, frost or what ever that looks like it has been painted on all things, leaves, bushes walkways, totally covered everything and it looks like it is snowing out, which is could be, it is hard to tell.
It is cloudy, dreary and white all around me, so need to work on something that will distract me today, I almost didn’t go to town yesterday, when I go to town that is 35 miles from where I live, but decided to go ahead and go, it was sunny and nice yesterday, cold but clear, how glad am I that I went yesterday... very!
Well I am off the see the wizard, to see what I can find to do today, of course it will be indoors, even tho it does look quite nice and clean outdoors, very white and cold... later

1 comment:

Kurt said...

Oh! Burrrrr!!! How I remember those days. I'm quite happy with the gloomy Seattle rain, thank you very much. :-)