Friday, December 31, 2004

Oh my gosh “It is Baaaaack

I am bathed in snow again, snow pogo-nip and what ever, measured out back and it is between 9 and 10 inches, yikes that is a lot for Fernley, it is beautiful, but oh my I am tired of it, just so the fog don’t come back like is was few weeks ago. My cat has never used a sand box, she is 13 years old, we put in a doggie door with a ramp (right down town) for her when she was little, she woke me up this morning almost running cross legged, I got up and the snow was covering the ramp, well we also have a tunnel for her to go thru and it was clear up the top so she couldn’t get out, so grabbed a broom and got that cleared off, so she could get out, but it was too heavy on the steps and down where she goes under the house, so she marched around for awhile and then took a leap and
under she went, so funny, then neighbors came and helped me shovel out, what a mess.

In my last blog I wrote that Rocky and Susie were coming to spend the New Years with me, well that got cancelled, they got as much or more snow that we did, they live in Elko, we were all terrible disappointed, but stuff happens right? We will plan it for a time when the weather is good. I got some great pictures of all of all the trauma here, if they turn out will send them to my son and he can scan them for me and put them on here so I can share my part of the county with all of you.

More later.........

Thursday, December 30, 2004


It sure seems like this past year has zipped by and here we are ready to go into a new one, I was planning on starting the new year with my daughter in law (Rocky) and my niece (Susie) they were going to come tomorrow and stay till Sunday, but weather didn’t cooperate with us, so it looks like they won’t be here, but sure don’t want them to take any chances on the slick roads so will just have to be content with calls to them.

We got snow last night but it has almost all melted, course we live in the banana belt of Nevada and our weather is pretty fair, this year seems to have been worse so far, with all the pogo-nip and fog.

Had so many plans for when they got here and now will have to re-think what I will do to keep myself busy, there is always a new quilt waiting for me, and am embroidering the squares for a new one, those are very pretty and gives me a feeling of accomplishment, course they take months to complete, even with a plain design, so guess I will work on that one, have 14 squares to go out of 30 so am making progress., well better get busy and do something, be it right or wrong.....later.

Monday, December 27, 2004


Well it got here and now it is over again for another year, no hub bub and flurry getting thinks done and ready for Santa. I spent a very quiet and relaxing birthday and Christmas,had many calls and wishes, and it was nice.

I spent 3 hours yesterday on line with my Son who lives in Seattle, he has me set up so that I can ask for remote assistance and he can take control of my computer and do what ever needs to be done, it has been running very slow so he decided that maybe it was the phone lines, we have cell phones so he can tell me what to do, he had me on the floor under the desk unplugging wires and getting things straightened out, well let me tell you that is no easy task for my old bones and lack of air don’t help the sound effects either, anyway he finally got me thru it and hooked back up, so then he wanted to download a program of creating cards and banners so we started in doing that, one thing led to another and he had me sitting pretty.

After about 2 hours or so later I chuckled and he said “what” so told him that I was sure glad that I had, had him 42 years ago, he said “why” and I said well I am sitting here thinking that if I hadn’t had you, I would be the biggest dummy around, “how so” he says...... I have been thinking while we are doing this that if I hadn’t had you that I would have had no one to push me into learning all this stuff, I am constantly amazed at what I have learned about computers, Tivo’s, Cell phones and many other things, so much of it I didn’t want to do, but he is a strong guy and he has literally made me learn these things and always says to me “good job mom” so to hear those words coming from him makes my day spin in all the right directions, oh yes and he also forced me into flying in an airplane so at 70 years old took my first flight alone, can you top that one. I have so many blessings with my kids, I am a very lucky mother...........

Friday, December 24, 2004


Well one more birthday, it is now the 71st, so hard to believe I am that old, my mind is still very young, it is interesting how your body grows old but your mind stays young, the two of them do not cooperate very well at times, but I am happy I am still here. My great granddaughter Kaydie and her mother(my ex-granddaughter in law Jen ) stopped by here last night and had a bite to eat it was very enjoyable, met her new boyfriend and he also was very nice, so all it all the visit went very well, they are planning on moving to Winnemucca, which puts them closer to me, but farther from her dad, but plans can be made to adjust to all moves.

I have gotten a couple of comments on my blog, complimenting me on my poetry, I am sad to report that it is not mine, it just things that I have read thru the years, that have stuck in my mind and every once in awhile a reason comes up to put them on paper, I wish I was talented in that area, have the thoughts but lack the knack to put it to rhyme, but do like to read it, and of course pack rat that I am I save everything. Anyway to everyone that reads this I would like to send you all a greeting saying, “Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Till next time........,

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I am back from having Christmas early, so we could have our little girl with us, it is like a time warp, I am all done and people are still talking about how they have to hurry and finish up so they will be ready for Santa, so it make me feel a little like this story. I am a little mixed up.

Just a note to say I’m living, that I am not among the dead
And I"m getting more forgetful, and more mixed up in my head
There are times I can’t remember, when I stand before the stairs
If I must go up for something, or if I just came down from there.
And I go to the fridge so often, my poor mind is filled with doubt
Have I just put food away, or have I come to take it out.
There are times when it is dark out, with my night cap on my head
I don’t know if I am retiring, or just getting out of bed.
So if it is my turn to write you, there is no need getting sore
I may think that I have written, and I don’t want to be a bore.
So remember I do love you, and wish that you were here
Now it is nearly mail time, so I’ll just say "Goodbye Dear"
Here I stand before the mailbox, with a face so very red
Gee! Instead of mailing you your letter, I opened it instead.

Hopefully I will get caught up again..... all for now

Friday, December 17, 2004


I have always been the type to push someone into doing something that was maybe needed doing or telling, since my husband has passed away, it is left up to me to do what I feel is the right thing to do O.K.??
The good is the fact that we can have fresh spring water delivered to our door on a weekly basis, my son set me up for that when his dad passed away, I only get 3 gallons as that is the amount I can hoist up into the cooler, and yes it is expensive, they were charging me $ 5.35 for 3 gal. which amounted to about $ 28.00 dollars per month.
Yesterday I received my bill and lo and behold, they had bumped me up to $ 6.49 for 3 gallons, which would mean more like $40.00 per month, so called them ( that is the place where Jerry would have been called on and a place he excelled in) anyway it was my job, the person I got a hold of finally, after pushing 1 -2 -or 3 several times, acted a bit put out that I should question it, so told her O,K, and hung up, I immediately called another company and they would do the exact same thing for me for $ 4.75 a month and that included A SENIOR DISCOUNT, never had that on the other one, so I called my company back and cancelled my service.
Last night my carrier called me and said he had gotten a message that I had called and cancelled, I assured him it had nothing to do with him whatsoever, so he says if I can get my boss to get it back down will you stay? I said "yes" but then the more I thought about it, the more I thought what a rip-off, so when he calls me back I am going to say no and go another route.
Dam if felt good to stand on my own 2 feet and be able to do it nicely and permanently, so I will either go with the other company or buy a couple of bottles and haul it from the grocery store myself,,,,, good exercise I’m thinking. Sure feels good to get that off my chest.. Now can get back to getting on, as my sister always says" I go along to get along" Bye for now.

Monday, December 13, 2004

It’s my choice
I have tried to live my life in the belief that every day I wake up, I have a choice... I can choose to have a wonderful day or I can choose to have a rotten day, and which ever happens I know it was my choice.
The past few days have been the wrong choice for me, really let myself down when I chose to let it rule me, so got up this morning and really had a talk to myself and then I chose to let this be a good day, and push out the bad ones.
Can’t explain why unless I just say "maybe it is the time of year" the holidays are hard sometimes for me, but usually can cope and look ahead to the good times and remember how very much I still have to be eternally grateful for, and I am grateful for the good things in my life, even when some of them get hard to get thru.
So already it is a better day, and I hope and pray that each and every one of the people I care for and love are having a good day.....

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Finally all the pogo-nip and snow is gone, so the sun is shining and the skies are so blue, what more could we ask for.
Trying to get Christmas cards out and clean up all the wrapping junk, have done good this year tho, not frantically running around for last minute stuff, that is where the Internet is so great, can sit here and order almost everything, sometimes I wonder if that is a good thing, so easy to get carried away.
Well more later

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

My hands were busy through the day,
I didn't have much time to play
The little games you ask me to.
I didn't have much time for you.
I'd wash your clothes I'd sew and cook,
But when you'd bring your picture book
And ask me please to share your fun
I'd say, "A little later, Son."
I'd tuck you in all safe at night,
And hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then softly tiptoe to the door.
And wish I 'd stayed a minute more.
For life is short, and years rush past,
A little boy grows up so fast.
No longer is he at your side,
His precious secrets to confide...
The picture books are put away,
There are no children's games to play,
No good-night kiss, no prayers to hear.
That all belongs to yesteryear....
My hands once busy, now lie still
The days are long and hard to fill.
I wish I might go back and do
The little things you ask me to.
All my love Mom

Monday, December 06, 2004

Oh boy.... if it isn’t careful we will see some sun for the first time in better than a week, I am gonna love it.

Sunday, December 05, 2004


Today I smiled, and all at once
Things didn't look so bad.
Today I shared with someone else,
A bit of hope I had.
Today I sang a little song,
And felt my heart grow light,
And walked a happy little mile,
With not a cloud in sight.
Today I worked with what I had,
And longed for nothing more,
And what had seemed like only weeds,
Were flowers at my door.
Today I loved a little more,
Complained a little less,
And in the giving of myself,
Forgot my weariness.
Author Unknown

Saturday, December 04, 2004


Snow snow go away, please save some for another day. Really getting tired of looking out and seeing nothing but white, my neighbor just came in from Reno and says it is just here in the valley, everywhere else is sunny and blue skies, guess we are in a cold pocket and holding and holding and holding. Well maybe more tomorrow.

Friday, December 03, 2004


I am not even sure that is the way it is spelled, all I know is when I woke up this morning, the whole world is covered in it. "It" is a snow, frost or what ever that looks like it has been painted on all things, leaves, bushes walkways, totally covered everything and it looks like it is snowing out, which is could be, it is hard to tell.
It is cloudy, dreary and white all around me, so need to work on something that will distract me today, I almost didn’t go to town yesterday, when I go to town that is 35 miles from where I live, but decided to go ahead and go, it was sunny and nice yesterday, cold but clear, how glad am I that I went yesterday... very!
Well I am off the see the wizard, to see what I can find to do today, of course it will be indoors, even tho it does look quite nice and clean outdoors, very white and cold... later

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Got a great response

Got a great response
How nice to hear from another new blogger, she responded to my blog from my name, "Sew Crazy" which my son chose for me, her site is so great, she is a good writer, I hope I can do as well as time goes by, I do know that it is fun and I am totally enjoying it, so am sure that is what counts.
I do spend a lot of time in here pondering but it seems to be getting easier each day, I still can’t believe I am doing this.