Thursday, November 25, 2010

Long overdue...

This is Kurt. I'm Creta's son. Although I'm not sure how many people read mom's blog, I should have posted this some time ago.

Mom passed away on February 17, 2009 just a few months after being diagnosed with lung cancer. She was able to live a comfortable life until the last few weeks, and then she was well looked after by Saint Mary's Hospice in Reno. She passed away quietly in her beloved home.

I still visit her blog on occasion and am comforted by her words and the love she showed in everything she did. This blog included.

If you were a part of mom's life, I'm sorry it's taken me so long. I'll leave this site up for some time, until if feels right to take it down. Feel free to post comments here, I've left that option turned on.

Mom, I miss you far more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you for being such a loving soul.
A photo of mom from sometime in the 1970's or 1980's I believe.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hunter and Oreo Cookies

This is for Kurt

Well in order to get my son to write some of his wonderful stories I am forced to write something on mine besides pictures, so here goes.

It is like a fall day today, cloudy and cool and wonderful after our very very hot and dry summer we are going into day 84 without a drop of rain and don't look like much in the forecast, hopefully it will stay nice and cool while Kurt is here, he is coming for a visit over the Labor day week, will be glad to see him, have had trouble all summer with this and that so didn't get my trip to Seattle in April, but maybe around his birthday in October. I just have to put one picture on this of my new great grandson, who is growing like gang busters, his mom says he "loves his oreo cookies" and yes I have to agree.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Life is looking much better

So much to learn

Wow been a long time


It has taken me all morning to remember how to do this, I swore I would not ask Kurt again how to find this, finally found a paper that says "Blogger- use Foxfire" walla it worked. Now what I have to remember is how to post some pictures again, I just let too much time go in between.

It is supposed to get up to 107 degrees here today, so all my projects will be indoors and even then it is miserable, maybe get to the sewing machine today, have lots cut out to sew just haven't been in the mood.

Better try this and see if it works and again I promise myself to try to keep it up, my daughter in law wants me to start writing down memories so am practicing to see what comes of it...nope it is blank this morning maybe later......

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kurt says I have to practice

Well good morning:

I let so much time go in between posting that I forgot how to do it, so Kurt had to coach me thru it again and his word to me is "Practice" so that is what this is for LOL who knew.

Anyway as you see the post before I have a new great grand son his name is Hunter and he met his big sister Kaydie, oh I know the two of them will have so much fun even tho they are 8 years apart in age, she will always look out for him as I did my brother many years ago. Well a little note just popped up saying I was unable to connect to blog, so guess I will stop here and see if they are serious. Later......

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My new great grandson with big sister

Hunter Reno Tervort
Born Jan. 4 2006
With big Sister
Kaydie Brooke

Love it

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Today is something good and fun to write about, it my youngest boy's birthday. What a joy he is and has been to me all his life.

I can't say he is absolutly perfect BUT he comes very close, he is loving and kind and gentle and so smart, his brain works overtime. Right now he is going through a tough time job wise but he will make it and be all the better for the experience and go on to bigger and better things, trust me this I know, as I know him and he will never let this stop him from his goals in life.

He is so good to me and without him in my life I am not sure how I would have coped with lots of things that has happened in my life, so I Thank God Everyday For Him.

I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH KURT.....Hope you have a great day.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Time Goes By

Here I am again just going to try to think of something good to blog about. It is another lazy day here for me, have so much too do to get ready for winter (just around the corner) and here I sit. Did start to paint my fence and the farther I went the longer the fence looked so will give it a couple of days and see what happens. I got up with all sorts of good intentions this morning and have not done any of it yet, but still have time.

My son sent put a lot of pictures on my computer so will try to see if I remember how to do that, one in paticular makes me feel the same as this fellow looks, well here I go. P.S couldn't find the one I wanted so will just Happy Halloween to everybody.